Friday, December 28, 2012

The Link Between Inflammation and Chronic Disease

Multiple studies show the alarming link of inflammation to chronic disease. Most of us are aware that things like joint disease, arthritis, and fibromyalgia are linked to inflammation. However, numerous studies link inflammation to some chronic diseases that you may find surprising. Click on the link below and scan through the studies. You will find that chronic inflammation is linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, kidney disease, neurological diseases, and even cancer.

The clear message is that persistent inflammation is dangerous for the human body and can lead to long term, debilitating, and often deadly health issues. A Time magazine article dubbed inflammation The Secret Killer (,16641,20040223,00.html) because of its link to so many other issues.

Not all inflammation is bad. Remember that it’s the body’s first line of defense. However, when inflammation goes out of control it can damage healthy tissues and cause more severe illness than the original problem. Again, the root of arthritic conditions is an immune system and an inflammatory response that has gone haywire. That we understand. But as inflammation persists it can spread throughout the body and cause issues we never dreamed of.

The best known way to reduce inflammation in the body is through the use of whole body cryotherapy. At CryoUSA we see professional and elite athletes as well as regular folks who want to recover from practice, games, or workouts and be able to continue to enjoy pain free exercise. However, about 1/3 of our current client base are people dealing with inflammation from an injury, surgery, or just every day inflammation that needs to be reduced.  We have seen great success as our clients are able to use whole body cryotherapy to reduce inflammation and improve their quality of life. Many of our clients are in phenomenal overall health and have no current injuries or chronic conditions. Why would someone like this be interested in using whole body cryotherapy? Because they understand that the use of cryotherapy is a way to keep inflammation at bay and maintain an active, healthy, and vibrant lifestyle. They have unlocked the key component to longevity; prevention is much easier and cheaper than a cure!