Thursday, November 8, 2012


It seems that everywhere you look athletes, from professionals to weekend warriors, are injured. The natural progression for injuries eventually leads to the dreaded word…REHAB! We spend millions of dollars per year on fitness. Unfortunately, we also spend millions on injuries and rehabilitation from injuries. For many, the cost of getting back to 100%, in both time and money, can be overwhelming. One of the great attributes of CryoUSA and whole body cryotherapy is the fast rejuvenation and decreased recovery time from injuries. We are seeing great results in getting people back to 100%. However, one of the best ways to avoid the pain, frustration, money, and time associated with rehab, is to start investing in PREHAB.

CryoUSA clients are now beginning to discover the great benefit of prehab with cryotherapy. Unlike icing or an ice bath, an athlete would never go from that modality straight into exercise. Muscles would be cold and stiff and the risk of injury would be high. However, with cryotherapy, remember that we actually warm blood in the core and then, through vassal dilation, send this warm, oxygen, nutrient, and enzyme enriched blood back to the muscle tissues, skin surface tissues, and joint space. This warms them almost immediately and allows for exercise and athletic competition within a few minutes.  With the endorphin rush, increased flexibility, and greater range of motion athletes are amazed as their performance improves. Doing this in the days leading up to competition has a cumulative effect. We see improved sleep, increased energy level, and post workout athletic recovery via cryotherapy. These factors allow them to improve their performance…stronger, faster, better!

Athletes use a series of prehab sessions to recover from workouts, decrease pain and inflammation, prepare for competition or personal record attempts, recover again, and repeat. The process and the results begin the accumulation that keeps them on the field/court/track and off the injured list! It costs much less to stay healthy than to get well not to mention the mental and physical anguish you can save yourself. Ever been around a runner who is not able to run due to an injury? Not a pretty picture! Save yourself and others the pain and cost of enduring that and get a package of prehab sessions using whole body cryotherapy with CryoUSA. You reduce your injury time, keep more money in your pocket for those new running shoes, and your performance will improve!